What is a T scan? – T Scan Thane
It is a non-invasive and painless way of digitally recording the force and time by which opposing teeth come in contact. Traditional methods use articulating paper to check the bite, in which you are asked to close your mouth with a thin sheet of a small piece of paper to check the points of the bite. With a T scan, the bite is checked digitally with the help of a small sensor. The sensor is placed onto the biting surface of the teeth, and it detects the force with which teeth meet, which is displayed on the digital screen. The bite force is detected accurately with the help of T- scan, and it helps the dentist to adjust the fitting of the prosthesis.
How does T scan help? – T Scan Thane
Checking the bite force is also useful for treating specific problems indirectly related to your bite. Certain conditions that require analysis of your bite are Temporomandibular dysfunction, certain headaches, and fibromyalgia of jaw muscles. Sometimes some forms of migraine arise from the dental origin that requires bite analysis.
T scan is an occlusal analysis that helps us measure the force of teeth biting against each other during biting and chewing. It can be used to diagnose and treat conditions with DTR – Disocclusion Time Reduction therapy. The therapy is used for the treatment of chronic myofascial pain disorder.
The bite force calculated by T-scan Thane is also helpful in adopting correct measures for treating fibromyalgia. People suffering from fibromyalgia can have severe pain in even simple tasks like talking or chewing. T scan Thane can help effectively treat such rare conditions by objectively calculating the bite force.
Benefits of T-Scan Thane
T-scan Thane has numerous benefits related to the diagnosis and treatment planning of various conditions. Let us discuss them in brief:
Improved diagnosis
The T-Scan will help our team identify the source of pain that leads to effective treatment planning. Like in cases of headaches or Temporomandibular disorders, if we are clear about the offending teeth and where the bite needs adjustment, it simplifies the treatment process to a larger extent.
Improved treatment
Certain rare conditions like fibromyalgia or headaches like migraine of dental origin need timely intervention. The T-scan helps make accurate adjustments in your bite and reduces the risk of aggravating the problems. If you have an improper bite leading to temporomandibular disorder, then the Tscan will help modify the bite, improving the overall comfort and chewing capacity.
Reduced risk of complications
Some risks are associated with an improper bite, like cracked tooth restorations due to excessive biting force. The excess strain on the chewing muscles sometimes leads to certain rare conditions like fibromyalgia. The extra pressure on the joint that connects the lower jaw with the skull leads to its disorder.
T- scan is a device that comes in handy in adjusting the bite with every restorative procedure. Whether it’s a tooth-colored restoration or a dental prosthesis like a crown or bridge, an accurate analysis of the bite and the amount of adjustment required help in the long-term success of the treatment.