Points to remember – Tooth Implant Aftercare

Why is aftercare important? – Tooth Implant Aftercare

Aftercare of dental implants plays a crucial role in the success of dental implants procedure. A good aftercare routine promotes healing, minimizes the risk of infection, and prevents complications. In the information provided below, we will briefly discuss why aftercare is essential and the top six ways to achieve it- brought to you by The Dental Solutions Thane.

Top 5 reasons why Tooth Implant Aftercare is important

Promotes Healing

For successful treatment, the implant should fuse nicely with the bone. A good aftercare regime promotes tissue healing and facilitates the osseointegration or fusion of the implants with the jawbone. 

Prevents Infection

Tooth implant aftercare prevents infection around the implant site and minimizes the risk of complications. Our chief dentist, Dr. Ravi Goyal at The Dental Solutions, Thane, suggests keeping the area clean and using antimicrobial mouthwash in some cases to kill bacteria and prevent infection.

Reduces risk of swelling

Proper aftercare can help reduce the risk of swelling and any discomfort associated with the implant surgery. 

Minimize Complications

Proper aftercare minimizes the complications such as implant failure, bone loss, and gum disease. Dr. Ravi Goyal schedules regular follow-up appointments that help identify issues at an early stage.

Prolongs the implant’s life

Proper implant care prolongs the life of your dental implant. Good oral hygiene practices protect your implant from damage and ensure that your implant lasts for a lifetime.

Six Ways of Tooth Implant Aftercare

Follow the instructions

At The Dental Solutions Thane, we provide specific instructions on caring for your dental implant after the procedure. The instructions mainly include preventing complications like swelling, pain, and bleeding. 

Keep the area clean 

Keeping the area around your implant clean is crucial for preventing infection and promoting healing. You must brush your teeth at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. You should also use an interdental brush daily to remove any food particles accumulated between your teeth and the implant. 

Use an antimicrobial mouthwash 

Our dentist recommends a specific type of mouthwash that is safe for dental implants in some instances. You should use the mouthwash as instructed. It is to be noted that it is not a substitute for brushing and flossing.

Diet restrictions

For the first few days after the surgery, avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could irritate the implant site. You should consume soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow, like soups and smoothies. Avoid chewing on hard food items like ice and candy. You must also refrain from parafunctional habits like chewing pens to prevent damage to the implant.

No Tobacco

Chewing or smoking tobacco is not only harmful to your general health, but it also slows the healing of the implant. It increases the risk of implant failure by causing inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

Attend follow-ups

You should attend regular follow-up appointments and communicate concerns or issues with our team. We may take X-rays to monitor the implant’s healing. Follow-ups are critical when it comes to monitoring the success of implant surgery.