Dental Fracture Treatment Thane

Ways to treat tooth fracture – Dental fracture Treatment Thane

Have you ever wondered if your tooth can fracture? The outermost layer of the tooth is called enamel. Enamel is the strongest substance in the body, but does that mean it can not break? No, the tooth can fracture. Parafunctional habits like chewing on ice or using your teeth as tools can damage your teeth. Now the question arises: what can be done if your tooth fractures? If you are also concerned about such questions popping into your head, hold on as we answer them in the information provided below- brought to you by The Dental Solutions Thane.

What is a tooth fracture? – Dental fracture Treatment Thane

A tooth fracture is a break in the continuity of the tooth structure. It can be a simple crack or complete chipping off the tooth fragment. It can be a small and harmless crack or a big one that splits the tooth. Young adults and teenagers are the most frequent age group prone to tooth fractures. The type of treatment deployed depends on the severity of the damage. It is best to get your examination done to determine the most suitable plan. Our team at The Dental Solutions Thane will examine your case clinically and radiologically to customize your treatment plan.

Types of tooth fracture – Dental fracture Treatment Thane

Cracked tooth

The cracked line runs from the outside of the teeth towards the gumline. It can be at any tooth level. The treatment plan will vary according to the extension of the crack line. Another variant of crack lines is craze lines.

Craze lines

They are crack lines present only on the outer surface of the tooth. They are limited to the enamel and painless. 

Cusp fracture

The anatomical features of a tooth are vital to understanding the biting mechanism. Cusps are the elevation in the outer surface of the tooth. Proper intercuspation between the opposing teeth is necessary for better chewing ability. Fractures of the cusp can occur when biting into a hard food item. This can lead to immense pain and requires prompt action. 

Split tooth

A split tooth is a condition in which the fracture line is deep enough to divide the tooth into two halves. It involves the nerves and vessels of the tooth. A split tooth is a serious injury that requires immediate action.

Dental fracture Treatment Thane

Tooth bonding

Composite resins are used for dental bonding when the damage is too small. There is no nerve involvement when there is minor chipping off the enamel. Our cosmetic dentists will use a tooth colored material to rebuild the broken tooth structure. It is a painless and minimally invasive method to enhance your smile.

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment, or RCT, is used when there is nerve involvement. When the damage is severe enough to involve the tooth’s innermost layer, we need RCT to save it. Dental crowns or tooth caps are required to protect the tooth from fracture. 

Dental veneer

They are thin shells of porcelain used to attach to the front surface of the teeth. They are a fast, effective, and highly durable way of dealing with various cosmetic flaws. One of the major indications for veneers is minor chipping off the enamel. Veneers are fabricated in the lab and attached to the tooth with a special adhesive.